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E-mail Marketing

Welcome Anar Digitech
Anar DigiTech is an unbeatable blend of strategy, innovation, and technology, applying our knowledge and experience in some of the top companies around the globe. We can provide huge growth in your business through integrated Email Marketing. We ensure the value of your brand’s digital presence and ensure that your customers can experience it in every interaction. It’s possible to say that we’re results-oriented because we are devoted to Digital Marketing and do it with a passion.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing services can help you streamline your email marketing efforts. There are many features available depending on which service you choose. However, most often they have functionality related to automation and subscription, general email communication and notifications, campaigns, monitoring, campaigns, and integration with other marketing, sales, and service software.

Why is email marketing important?

Email marketing services are still an important strategic tool for all businesses, regardless of size, and they continue to be a valuable tool for all businesses. They help build strong relationships with prospects, and customers and move them along the buyer’s journey. Not to mention that ESPs are constantly improving, features such as A/B testing, automation, personalization, and personalization make the tools more valuable for marketers looking to reach a fragmented audience.

Let’s now look at the top email marketing services available today, one that you might want to implement in your company.


customers Loyalty

Regular brand interactions are essential for strong client relationships. Routine web email marketing communications allow companies to build brand loyalty and drive sales. Engaging with clients and marketing to them using effective email campaigns is six to twelve times cheaper than other marketing channels such as paid advertisement or Social Media Marketing. Email marketing campaigns that target specific clients not only bring in more business but also save money.


Expand your business

Email marketing campaigns have a better reach and engagement potential than traditional marketing techniques. Statistics show that 72% of people check their email at least once a day, and 92% of internet users have at least one email account. At Anar Digitech, Our Email marketing experts can help you reach your target audience on any device while remaining non-invasive and in compliance with the Can-SPAM Act.


Different Audiences

One of the many benefits of using B2C or B2B email marketing is hyper-personalized communication. Traditional marketing strategies focus on communicating a message to large audiences. Email marketing offers the possibility to send personalized messages, codes, discounts, or coupons. It doesn’t matter if you focus on one campaign. You can reach different segments with a personal touch.


save time and effort

Email marketing is much less labor-intensive than traditional marketing, whether it’s for small businesses, franchises, or multi-location companies. Each campaign is sent without the need for labeling or postage. You can communicate with and engage your ideal market segments, whether they are a few hundred or hundreds of thousands, in just minutes using targeted email marketing. The best email marketing companies will help you if you don’t have time to learn about email campaign optimization.


Get Strong Results

There are many ways that you can test your online email marketing and find out if it is working. Multivariate and A/B testing can be used to test almost every aspect of an email campaign. This includes the subject line, time sent, and the content. This gives you valuable insight into where your email marketing strategy needs to be revised to get the best engagement from your email campaigns.


track of Analytics

Email marketing software provides valuable analytics and data that can provide insight into your campaigns and targeted email marketing efforts. Open rates and click rates (CTRs), bounces, and conversions are the most commonly reported engagement metrics. An expert email marketing specialist can help you understand the numbers and reach your audience better depending on your marketing goals.

Anar DigiTech offers email marketing campaign services
Email Marketing Strategy and Performance Audit
Custom Template Design and Development
Email Marketing Management
Email Marketing Automation Management
ESP Review and Migration
eCommerce Email Marketing Services
Email Newsletters Services
Email Blast Service

Why choose Anar DigiTech to Manage Your Email Marketing Campaign

Anar DigiTech is a top-rated email marketing company that offers the best email marketing services at affordable prices. Don’t take our word for this. These are just a few of the additional benefits that you will receive by partnering with our email agency:


Full-Service Email Marketing Campaign

Shopify email marketing, drip, email blast, or email marketing automation. Our email marketing agency offers a complete range of email services. Our email marketing experts can help you with all aspects of your email marketing needs, including a simple email blast or a complete set of solutions.


Multivariate and A/B Campaign Testing

Anar DigiTech doesn’t just design and launch email newsletters. We also create marketing email templates. We test all aspects of your email marketing campaign to ensure it delivers big results. This includes the subject line, send schedules, and email content. This allows us to decide the best approach for your web email marketing campaign.


Tailored List Segmentation

We know that every client’s needs, wants, and the audience will determine the best email marketing service. We do extensive research to determine your target audience and use advanced email marketing software to the segment it. This will ensure that your emails reach the right people at the right time.


Integrated Digital Marketing Services

Email marketing can provide a significant ROI for marketers. You need to use a combination online marketing strategy that is tailored to your brand to get a better ROI, greater efficiency, accessibility, and increased customer loyalty. Our email company offers many other digital marketing services such as search engine optimization (SEO), link-building, and online reputation management.


Detail Email Marketing Reports

We create email campaigns that are tailored to your needs and manage them. Monthly reports will include open rates, traffic to your site, and sales/leads generated. Track your email campaigns’ results anytime by accessing your Google Analytics dashboard and monthly reports. To gain deeper insight into the interactions of your website visitors with your email campaigns, we can integrate your Google Analytics with email campaigns.



Anar DigiTech’s email marketing team has years of experience using multiple email platforms. To provide the best email service, we constantly search for and evaluate new email marketing software and digital platforms. Let’s talk about all the ways that our online marketing can help you promote and grow your brand.