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Technical SEO

Technical SEO

Anar DigiTech is a renowned Technical SEO Company In Ahmedabad, Gujarat which delivers professional services to its customers. Our staff has qualified and had done practice thoroughly in this field alongside the dedication toward work that can’t be neglected which makes us different from the crowd. We are known for our result-driven services. So that you have a one-stop solution company by your side.

Anar DigiTech combines the right mix of expertise and creative thinking to provide the Best Technical SEO through research, innovation, and application of the latest tools and techniques. As you are here for this reason our highly qualified team is here to serve you with your desired requirements for your Business. As we own a team of highly skilled human resources who are dedicated to quantifiable value addition in promoting your website to give you insights into a smarter business decision.

What is Technical SEO and Why is it Important?

Technical SEO is a relatively new discipline, but it’s one that you can’t afford to ignore. An audit allows you to identify the weak points in your website structure and make strategic improvements to your current setup. This will ensure an optimal user experience. Here are some reasons why Technical SEO is important.

The modern day website requires more than just traditional search engine optimization (SEO) to rank well in the search results. Combating against companies like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Facebook, and Twitter is no easy feat. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at what is known as ‘technical SEO’ and focus on why it is important to your overall SEO strategy.

Search engines are always trying to provide the best possible user experience. The best user experience means two things: On-page optimization (improved page speed, keyword density, page relevance, etc.) and technical SEO (e.g., making sure your website meets search engine guidelines and industry standards such as valid markup, and site speed, security). It also means using effective tools such as HTML/XHTML validation tools.

Technical SEO is not just about “indexation.”​​ The point is to create a better search experience for your website visitors, and this includes several components, such as site speed, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), robots exclusion standard (robots.txt), XML sitemap status, and content quality. These factors are critical to your website’s online performance.

However, certain technical SEO decisions potentially improve the user experience of shoppers and visitors. These are the things you want to consider bringing to the forefront of your initiatives in technical SEO – and quickly! A website with good technical SEO will load faster, rank higher in search results, and has improved marketing potential. This gives it a competitive advantage and positions it within the top tier of its niche (that’s highly coveted real estate). If you’re looking to open up new doors or increase the rate of conversions on your website by improving its technical SEO, then you should feel free to contact us to schedule a free consultation today.

Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.

Technical Seo Consists of

Technical SEO is something that you should understand. If you’re not sure, now is the time to have a conversation about what it is and why it’s important for your business’ success.
Technical optimization SEO involves the following processes:
Running a crawl error report
Eliminating duplicate content
Auditing preferred domain
Improving metadata
Checking HTTPS status codes
Checking broken links
Creating an XML sitemap
Implementing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Increasing site speed
 Utilizing robots.txt
Optimizing website for mobile
Auditing redirects
Performing a Google site search

Among others

Anar DigiTech is a Leading Technical SEO Services provider for small businesses across Ahmedabad and India with expertise in all sides of local business optimization. We know what it takes to drive rankings in your local search to provide you with more leads at a lower cost per click rate. Get in touch to get a free report on how we can help you and drive traffic to your business website or blog.

What Technical SEO Services Includes



We conduct a thorough SEO technical audit that helps identify and correct your site’s technical SEO problems. The audit covers the most important aspects, such as mobile speed and internal link structure, website speed, XML website maps, indexation, and spider errors, robots.txt, and the site’s architecture. Based on the results of Google analytics we design quick- and long-term solutions to improve the user experience of your website experience as well as boost your Google ranking.



Take a comprehensive look at the strategies used by your competitors to optimize their website’s Technical SEO  and drive possible conversions. Our expert SEO consultant analyzes your competitor’s keywords’ performance as well as their search engine rankings as well as their social media profiles and the technical and backlink profile. This allows us to develop strategies that give you a clear edge in your segment of the market.



Enhance your website’s visibility and increase traffic through meta tags that efficiently convey your web site’s contents to internet users as well as search engine crawlers. Anar DigiTech provides Technical SEO for WordPress by analyzing and improving your title tags, meta descriptions, meta keywords, alt attributes, and robots tags. This way, we make sure that no misplaced metadata can seriously harm SEO performance.



Large images can degrade the performance of your website and turn away visitors to your site. Reduce the time it takes to load your website and increase the number of customers you attract with the use of technical SEO in eCommerce. Our experts will help you choose the best file format and optimize your alt attributes, decrease the dimensions of the images you upload, use images’ sitemaps, and make the most of the efficiency of your images using plugins.



The speed of your page affects your rankings and, most importantly, the online experience. Our experts in technical SEO can make use of compression in files to decrease the sizes of CSS HTML, JavaSCript, and HTML files. We can also optimize your program, decrease redirects, use browser caching, make use of Content distribution networks (CDNs), and increase the speed of response from servers.



It makes it easier for spiders to discover, understand and display your site’s content with schema markup. We highlight your site’s elements as well as assign data tags, make the HTML, and then add the schema markup on your page. Our team uses Google’s structured data testing tool, which allows you to validate your markup and identify any problems.



Research on keyword usage is the basis for your online marketing plan. Learn about current market trends and consumer habits and ensure that you are using the right keywords across your website. Our SEO experts study your industry and conduct technical SEO audits to assess your search engine rankings and improve your site’s pages using highly effective search terms.



Get a better understanding of your website’s authority online and the ability to rank in search results with the help of technical SEO for eCommerce as well as other platforms. Our team of experts conducts backlink analysis to ensure that you get new links from trustworthy and authoritative websites. We use a variety of backlink data sources to determine the domains you are referring to, verify their authority on their websites, and figure out the social share size of the linked pages.



Google penalties may result from algorithmic changes or technical SEO black-hat to WordPress. To assist you in recovering from the consequences of a penalty or adversity, our SEO experts make use of Google Search Console to determine the kind of penalty that impacts your website examine your backlink strategies, and then resolve the issues with original websites as well as content that has been crawled by Google. We also examine all of your redirects to make sure they are working properly.



Migration of websites is a risky process. Create a solid migration strategy to prevent losing precious traffic. We conduct SEO-friendly website migration, which includes monitoring the performance of analytics and benchmarking and mapping all URLs that have changed from the previous site to the new one as well as updating the internal links to eliminate duplicate content, managing 404 pages, and keeping track of traffic and ranking.

A Technical SEO Business that Delivers Results

Boost Your Website Performance and Generate More Organic Traffic. The technical SEO of WordPress as well as other CMS is crucial for online success. If you have the correct technical optimization SEO plan implemented, you will be able to identify website problems and take prompt actions to fix the issues, and make sure that all SEO elements are in place. Make use of our technical SEO services to benefit you and grow your business profitably over the long term. What can you expect when working with our Technical SEO Company.


In-depth Website Audits

The website performance is the result of many variables that work in concern. At Anar DigiTech, we conduct thorough site audits to determine your technological SEO, paid campaign, conversion rate optimization (CRO), backlink profile, analytics, and competitors. We make business decisions that are backed by research and data.


Technical SEO Specialists

Anar DigiTech Internet Marketing Agency is a company for technical SEO located in Ahmedabad. Our team comprises SEO experts who supervise the project from initial assessment until the point of. We design, develop and implement data-driven SEO suggestions and keep up-to-date information on industry trends to ensure that our services produce outcomes.


Full-Service SEO Solutions

Improve the security of your website and achieve higher closing rates by using SEO strategies that fit your brand. We offer SEO technical services to eCommerce, Shopify, franchises, Amazon, and local businesses. Our team takes care of anything that hinders the speed of your website performance, improves the web page’s content, and enhances your brand’s image so that it appeals to both search engines as well as internet users.


Analytics and Reporting

Monitor your SEO campaign’s performance and keep track of your online activities. Our staff uses analytical tools to provide relevant insights to get the desired results. We also offer regular consultations, emails, and monthly reports to ensure you know your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.


Goal-Oriented Web Strategies

In our initial meeting, We will analyze and determine your current campaign’s status as well as your marketing goals and expectations. So we make sure that all of our SEO strategies are in line with your business goals. Our team also employs various ways of distribution to increase the number of leads on your website and traffic.


Proven Track Record

Our SEO firm has worked with hundreds of businesses to help improve their online presence. We were able to spot and correct some site problems by conducting extensive SEO technical audits and implementing outcomes-driven SEO strategies. Find out additional information on how we can improve the quality of our SEO technical solutions directly from our clients.