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14 Best SEO Tools That Helps in Higher Rankings


Every minute, a huge number of searches are made on Google. The first page of SERP is where most users find their answers.

The secret to increasing conversions and traffic is to rank highly on the results page. How do you rank in SERP rankings?

SEO is the answer by using ethical SEO techniques. Rankings on the first page are possible for websites. You don’t have to conduct all of your SEO research because SEO is not that difficult. 

Regarding keyword research, backlinks, content optimization, and many other SEO considerations, SEO tools can save you time. Additionally, you can improve your website’s SEO by adding more accurate data.

Importance Of SEO Tools

The best SEO tools make it easy to manage and track your search engine rankings as well as ensure that your website is performance-optimized.

SEO is crucial for enhancing user experience, increasing website traffic, building brand authority, and improving exposure and ranks.

The following 14 tools are must use for website optimization in terms of SEO:
  • UberSuggest
  • SEO Quake
  • Woorank
  • SearchEye
  • Siteliner
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • Google Search Console
  • Answer The Public
  • Majestic
  • Screaming Frog
  • KWFinder
  • SpyFu
  • Moz


Ubersuggest is a free keyword tool that assists with keyword research. You can choose the most appropriate terms to use on your website from hundreds of suggestions provided by our fantastic online keyword planner.

This tool will assist you in determining the competitiveness of a keyword as well as if it should be taken into consideration. Keyword volume, competition, and CPC information are provided by Ubersuggest.

SEO Quake

An SEO analyst tool, SEO Quake is a browser plugin that does on-page site audits, examines internal and external links, and compares websites to determine how you stack up against the competition.

Additionally, it has keyword research features like pertinent keywords, a simple-to-read SEO dashboard, and an export tool that enables you to quickly download and share data with important team members.


For tracking and reporting sales statistics, Woorank offers both premium and free services. Woorank can help you find duplicate content, downtime, and security problems and can also offer advice on how to fix them.

You can type in the names of your rivals to get the keywords they’re targeting and see what they’re using. Most importantly, identify the technological and marketing gaps in your website.


The use of keywords on your website is made clear by SearchEye. An easy-to-read overview of term usage is provided in a SearchEye report, along with recommendations for steps you can take to enhance keyword optimization across your website, boost exposure, and make it simpler for searchers to find you.

With SearchEye, it’s simple to examine how you’re using keywords throughout your entire website and in each part of your page.


The tool Siteliner is a duplicate content analyzer that can assist you in finding duplicate content on your website. To check for duplicate content, broken links, average page size and performance, the number of internal links per page, and other issues, you can use siteLiner to scan your entire website.

To help you understand where you stand, it also compares your website to the average of all websites that have been evaluated using this technology.


The database of Ahrefs contains a trillion links. For backlinks, it is regarded as the finest. You may find a tonne of keyword recommendations in Ahref along with crucial information like keyword difficulty and search volume. You can examine both your website and the websites of your rivals.

It will examine your website and provide you the opportunity to suggest improvements, such as better internal and external linking and content quality. Knowing everything below can help you keep one step ahead of the competition and produce excellent internet content.


For learners, this platform provides an all-inclusive solution. One of the most well-liked features of this tool is that it enables you to rapidly compare your website to those of your rivals. Keeping track of your rankings and getting advice on how to enhance the functionality of your website is made simple with the On-Page SEO Analyzer tool.

SEMrush wants to provide users with a bundle that enables them to handle a variety of tasks from a single dashboard. It is easy to use and comprehend. It is also well-organized, and as was already noted, its dashboard may be the most comprehensive of any platform on this list.

Google Search Console

Users currently favor Google over other search engines. Their toolbox being at the top of this list makes perfect sense. Google Search Console not only gives you everything you need to appear higher in search results.

But you can also submit a sitemap, ask for indexing, and do other things. It includes search impressions and inquiries, online help and documentation, keyword analytics tools, and many other helpful features.

Answer The Public

With the help of Answer The Public You can create content based on keywords with this free SEO tool. Finding opportunities for concentrated snippets is fantastic. One of the fastest ways to produce SEO themes for brand-new websites would only take you five minutes.

The feature that provides a list of questions that website visitors are asking about a particular term is the tool’s best feature. It offers crucial information on the precise needs of the public.


A website called The Majestic lists the top one million websites on the internet. Your website’s backlink profile is quickly summarised with the Site Explorer function. As a tool for SEO keyword research, it may also be used to select the most effective keywords to target.

Its most important function is the ability to check the backlinks of a specific website. It not only helps us identify the client’s optimization, but it also generates a succinct and clear table that we give to our clients so they can understand the problems and how they compare to their rivals.

Screaming Frog

By quickly examining your website, the Screaming Frog methodologies carry out site audits. Compared to many online SEO tools, Screaming Frog delivers information more quickly. 

This tool also notifies you of any problems that need to be fixed, like duplicate content, erroneous redirects, and areas where the title, description, meta tags, and link building may be strengthened.

It presents both opportunities for quick earnings and crucial information. You can perform a quick audit with Screaming Frog and gain a better understanding of what is happening.


You may find long-tail keywords with less competition with KWFinder. You’ll receive numerous fresh keyword suggestions to help you raise the ranking of your website.

The best keywords are discovered by experts using this SEO tool, which also produces data on backlink and SERP analysis.

They make rating and progress monitoring based on one crucial indicator simple with their Rank Tracker function.


The SpyFu SEO tool is utilized for competition analysis. However, compared to the other systems on our list, it offers the most thorough study of the competitors. It effectively enables you to (legally) snoop on the SEO strategies used by competitors in your industry.

No matter which level of service you choose to subscribe to with SpyFu, you will have access to all of the information they unearth. If you’re looking for a competitive advantage in a market-specific business, have a peek at this website.

View the past ranking records A few capabilities include leveraging Adwords templates and locating organic keywords on a rival’s website.


The Moz software has a very imaginative layout. There is a page with competition analysis, page view tracking guidelines, and custom keywords and analysis.

It assists in identifying website SEO problems, locating and prioritizing relevant keywords, and offering suggestions on how to fix any flaws.

The link research tool allows you to collect campaign data, track keyword rankings over time, and refine your link-building strategy while also allowing you to make custom analyses and collect data.


The best SEO tool for your situation need not necessarily be the only one you use. Start with one of the previous all-inclusive tools and see how it performs for you.

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