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Domain Authority: Is It an Important Factor Of SEO Or Not?


Domain Authority (DA) is a measurement that certain businesses and brands use to research and assess the outcomes of their digital operations.

But what exactly does this metric mean? Do we need to work to make it better? Will having a high domain authority assist our Google rankings?

Although domain authority is not a ranking factor for Google, it can be a highly useful measure to understand a website’s position in comparison to similar competitors.

To assist you to build or enhancing your marketing strategy, it is essential to understand your domain authority. How can you figure out your domain authority, though?

Let’s study,

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority

An SEO concept known as “website authority” describes the “strength” of a specific domain.  This is referred to as “domain authority” by some.

Developed by Moz, Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking factor that estimates how likely it is for a website to appear in search engine result pages (SERPs).

Scores for domain authority vary from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a higher possibility of ranking.

The quantity of relevant hyperlinks that point to your website from other trustworthy websites is referred to as your site’s domain authority (DA). Your score is also influenced by how relevant the backlinks are.

Compared to its rivals, it projects the probability that a domain will show up in the SERPs:

Domain Authority

It’s important to stress that Google does not consider Domain Authority when determining how to rank websites.

As a result, it isn’t a metric that will raise your position in search engine rankings (SERPs).

However, domain authority is a useful metric that will enable you to evaluate how well your website is performing in comparison to competitors.

Why Is Domain Authority Important?

Although domain authority (DA) and SERP ranking are not directly correlated, a study by Ahrefs indicated that they are.

The findings of this study indicate that DA might be a useful statistic for estimating how much organic traffic from Google you might get.

Consider stepping up your domain authority plan if you want to improve your SEO ranks. But building authority can take time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away.

A Good Domain Authority Score Is What?

The higher the number, the more likely the search engine results page (SERP) would be better. Moz’s Domain Authority search engine ranking score ranges from 1 to 100.

The SEO tool considers both the quantity and quality of links that a webpage receives while calculating this metric.

A page will be more likely to get a higher score if it has backlinks from authoritative pages like Google, Wikipedia, official government pages, well-known newspapers or magazines, etc.

Therefore, determining excellent domain authority differs depending on the type of business. 

In the end, you must research your top rivals and make inferences about your website that take into account both your rating and those of your competitors.

How can domain authority increase?

The best strategy to affect the Domain Authority statistic is to boost the SEO of your site overall by paying close attention to the type and number of external links that lead to it.

Although increasing your DA is a lengthy process, there are numerous approaches you can take.

Perform a link audit first. These key measures verify that links pointing to your website are legitimate and free of black-hat SEO techniques.

According to Google, it’s not just about the overall number of links pointing to your website or the total number of domain links; it’s also about the relevance of those connections, or the ones that help people grasp the content of your website.

Here are some tips:

  • Before quantity, Prioritize quality, useful backlinks over thousands of unimportant links.
  • Check your backlinks to make sure all the interesting sites have a do-follow attribute.
  • Produce high-quality material to make obtaining organic backlinks easier.
  • Create material that is targeted at your core audience and has the potential to be appealing to them and go viral.
  • Refresh your older content. Add new, user-interesting information to the pages that have unindexed content or poor page authority scores.
  • Identify your rivals and evaluate yourself against them. Examine the actions you take and those you avoid taking to improve the visibility of your website.
  • Analyze the sources of the backlinks coming from your top competitors. Can you also obtain similar ones?

Working on these initiatives will help you concentrate on improving lead quality and quantity rather than just your domain authority score.

How can I find out what my Domain Authority is?

Through Link Explorer on Moz, you can check the Domain Authority of your website for free. Your website’s Domain Authority score will instantly show when you enter your domain’s root URL, for example, www.anardigitech.com.

The digital tool offers a wide range of additional features as well, including the total number of ranking keywords, linking domains, and inbound links.

Domain Authority VS Page Authority

Page Authority primarily focuses on the chance of ranking each page of the website separately, whereas Domain Authority measures the likelihood of a web domain as a whole to rank in the SERPs.

This makes it possible for you to evaluate the performance of particular pages, such as blog posts or product pages, to identify which ones may require some modification to receive a higher score.

Based on the pages with the most potential for improvement, you can use the Page Authority indication to prioritize and specify the following steps to create as part of your digital marketing strategy.

Domain Authority Checker Tools

Based on the pages with the most potential for improvement, you can use the Page Authority indication to prioritize and specify the following steps to create as part of your digital strategy.


You may view your Domain and Page Authority (PA), a score created by Moz that predicts the possibility of a certain page ranking, with MozBar. 

You can compare the rankings of your domain and your pages against those of your competitors with MozBar.


Ahrefs measures “domain rating” and “URL rating,” but it does not employ “Domain Authority” and “Page Authority.” Despite their differences, the names all have the same meaning.


You can use this tool to view the backlinks pointing to your website and the performance of your domain.

Due to its two index choices, Majestic offers a special service to its customers:

  • Fresh
  • Historic


Improve your domain ranking to improve your chances of ranking better and help your business appear higher in search results.

Contact Us right away to find out more about how we can help you increase your Domain Authority.


What does the term domain authority mean?

A site’s performance in search engine results can be determined by its domain authority, which is a factor in search engine rankings. It provides a general summary of anticipated search engine performance and was developed by the software development company Moz.

What does a high domain authority mean?

A score of 40 to 50 is regarded as average. Domain authority of 50 to 60 must be considered good. Scores over 60 are considered excellent for domain authority.

Why is domain authority important? What does it mean?

Domain Authority, or DA for short, is essentially how relevant or good a website is in the eyes of search engines. The phrase was created by well-known SEO SaaS Moz and it forecasts a website’s capacity to rank as well as how it will fare versus websites in your niche in terms of performance in search engines.

Use of domain authority by Google?

Does Google’s algorithm take domain authority into account? No, Google’s algorithm does not take domain authority into account. Google does not employ Domain Authority. but, it may use domain-like metrics based on links that are comparable to it. It would be better if you avoid discussing it with them.

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